Frequently asked questions

As more questions arise, this list will be updated. Thank you for understanding. If none of these questions answer your specific question, don't hesitate to contact us. 

Are meals included?

Meals are not included in the tuition fees. Students must pack their own lunches.

Although, afternoon snacks will be provided. 


What are the safety protocols you have established at your micro-school?

Your child's safety is our top priority! These are the steps we have taken to secure your child's safety and provide each of our families with peace of mind:

1.All of our staff are first aid/CPR certified

2.All of our staff have Criminal/Sex Offender reports Cleared and recorded before any interaction with children

3.All of our staff have been certified and trained to educate and work 1 on 1 with our students

4. Under no circumstances is a staff member allowed to be or assist a student in the restroom or be alone for that matter at anytime with a student. (Unless otherwise noted or agreed upon dependent on need with the parents)

5. Our micro-school has a brand new security system installed that can alert the staff of any immediate threat outside our building. All of our doors sound off if they are opened.

6. Our security system is setup to call the authorities immediately if any threat is dedicated or an alarm goes off for more than 30 seconds. 

7. We have a plan setup to evacuate in case of any fire or natural emergency that may arise during school hours.

8. Our fire alarms are setup to immediately dispatch the fire department in case of any fire or carbon monoxide detection.

9.Our micro-school will be completely fenced in before the start of the school year 2025-2026. 

10. Parents are allowed to call at any point or time to check in on their child. 

(We have so much more rules in place to assure your child's safety and your peace of mind. These are just our top 10) 

What are your hours of operation and rules concerning attendance, dropoff/pickup?

School days will be: 



Any late pickups past 2:30pm without prior notice will incur a fee not payable by the scholarship. After a months worth of repeated late pickups with no communication, your child may face discharge from our micro-school. Thank you for your cooperation.

If a student is absent more than 2 weeks without prior notice, acceptable excuse or arrangement between parent and staff, student may face immediate discharge from our program. 

Is your micro-school in a commercial building?

No. Our micro-school operates out of a residential building. Because of our small classroom sizes we have decided to start in a much smaller homey setting. We work with children that have autism and ADHD and being in a big, loud enviornment is just not the best for them. This is also why our address is not publicly available.

Is your school a business?

Our school is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization. Our goal is to expand and grow our micro-school model. Although we may become big, our classes will always remain small. 

Which students are accepted at your micro-school?

We strive to service the special needs community as well as gifted children. We accept children that have been through bullying, we accept children that their parents want to be heavily involved or receive frequent communication from us. 

What type of faith based micro-school is Belleview Kingdom Academy?

We are a Faith based micro-school with pentecostal roots. We start our day with Jesus and we end our day with Jesus. We believe in the father the son and the Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus is the son of God and that he is coming back! 

We provide a wholesome christ centered enviornment. 

Our goal is to build and grow together and become functional contributors to our communities physically, mentally and spiritually. 

What does Belleview Kingdom Academy expect from the parents?

We expect you as a parent to be involved in your child's education. How? 

1. Attend all parent teacher meetings when possible

2. Bother us!(Just kidding) Ask us daily how your child is doing if you have too. Never be scared to ask. 

3. Have a good relationship with the staff. If your child told you something concerning that happened at school, call us immediately we want to know right away so we can help and make things right. 

4. Remember that we are parents too so please be considerate of our time and dedication to your child. Follow all of the drop/off and pickup rules etc. 

5. We encourage and expect all of our parents to participate at some point throughout the year in a school event or activity. For example, if we have a field day, come! Enjoy, play and eat with us and you child!